Sunday, August 28, 2005

Our cat Daisy has feline asthma. What we thought was a hairball turned out to be a scary asthma attack. You search the internet high and low for hairball treatment and you never see this. She wasn't coughing stuff up but she was having a real hard time breathing. She's ok now. See photos below for more X-Ray fun. Posted by Picasa

Side close up of Daisy's lungs. She was having a bad day.  Posted by Picasa

Real close up of her feline asthma. This is some scary stuff. Her air ways were swollen and her gums were blue!! Posted by Picasa

Top View of Daisy's X Ray Posted by Picasa

Daisy Snowshoe side X-Ray. After staring at all those white swollen air ways, I noticed other things: 5 White Rings on her lower belly are her stitches from getting spade and the funny part, she needs to poop!!! Posted by Picasa